Chapter 1: Ancestry
Chapter 2: The Old Missouri Farm
Chapter 3: The Civil War in Missouri
Chapter 4: Education
Chapter 5: Intellectual and Social Life
Chapter 6: The University of Michigan Medical School
Chapter 7: My Services as Dean
Chapter 8: The Practise of Medicine
Chapter 9: Experiences as a Medical Expert
Chapter 10: The Spanish-American War
Chapter 11: The Typhoid Commission
Chapter 12: National Research Council
Chapter 13: The World War
Chapter 14: Medical and Scientific Societies
Chapter 15: Old Age
Appendix 1: Negro Slavery in Missouri as I Saw It
Appendix 2: Russia in 1897
Appendix 3: The Michigan State Board of Health
Appendix 4: Old Missouri
Appendix 5: Letters from Europe
Appendix 6: Colophon